Dr. Anju Chawla


Training Programs

we offer

Corporate Training Services


Basic And Advanced EI Coach And Practitioner

Interactions are crucial to human existence. These can be personal or professional, face to face or virtual, …


Social Emotional Learning To Improve Interpersonal Skills

Young adulthood is that phase of life which is free from the hassles of adolescence and unaware of the …


Working With Emotional Intelligence

Our basic lessons about our emotions starts very early in our life through small exchanges that take place…


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EI - Mentoring For Women

Mentoring women, particularly those who are on sabbatical, navigating relationship challenges, or entering their late 30s and beyond, can be a transformative experience. At this stage in life, many women are seeking clarity, personal growth, and a renewed sense of purpose. One valuable aspect of mentorship in such situations is the development of emotional intelligence (EI), which plays a pivotal role in guiding women towards a fulfilling path ahead …